Aki Kinomaagewinan: Indigenous Land-Based Learning for Educators and Youth by Natural Curiosity aims to equip educators to integrate Indigenous perspectives and environmental inquiry into their teaching, advancing Truth and Reconciliation.
Participants reported greater comfort with inquiry-based learning, deeper understanding of Indigenous perspectives, enhanced skills in land-based teaching, and a strengthened connection to community and nature.
Organizations requesting a grant from the Johansen Larsen Foundation should first familiarize themselves with the Foundation’s guiding values (learning and knowledge; equity and inclusion; connections and community building) and three focus areas (Marginalized Children and Youth; Reconciliation; the One Health Model).
Guiding Principles
Our principles for grant-making are based on our guiding values:
We value learning that involves understanding and critical thinking; learning that is reciprocal and mutually beneficial for all, and knowledge that provides opportunities for individuals and groups to grow and be positively transformed.
We value equity and inclusion: fair and humane treatment, access and opportunities for all. We affirm that all are worthy of dignity and respect, and that all should have opportunities to be fully included in their community life.
We value the connections between the land, human and animal welfare and that the human-animal-environment bond beneficially impacts the health of all.
We value reconciliation and the building of respectful relations with Indigenous Peoples of Canada.
Funding Cycle
Each year we only provide funding for programs related to 2 of our focus areas.
We aim to balance our funding between our 2 focus areas each year. We tend to have more applications for our Marginalized Children and Youth focus area than Reconciliation and One Health. For this reason, we encourage applicants to consider building a focus on Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and/or the One Health model into their programming.
Learn more about our focus areas here.
Granting Process
The first step is to register (if you haven’t done so already) at
Then you will be asked to determine your eligibility to apply for a grant. If eligible, you can complete our Intent to Apply Form through Survey Monkey Apply.
The Intent to Apply Forms will be reviewed by our Board of Directors and those selected will be invited to complete a full grant application for one grant, single OR multi-year.
Full applications will be reviewed by our Board of Directors and organizations notified of our funding decisions.
Eligibility Criteria
Canadian based registered charitable organizations (ie. must hold a Revenue Canada Business Registration number)*
Charitable organizations with total revenue below $2 million (from most recently filed T3010)
Programs that operate in Canada
Programs that benefit marginalized children/youth, Indigenous peoples and/or animals
*In the spirit of Reconciliation, special considerations will be made to allow for Indigenous led non-profit organizations without registered charitable status to apply for funding. If that is the case, please email us at
Grant Cycle Timeline for single and multi-year grants:
Intent to Apply Form: Due March 15th
Notification of Intent to Apply Decision: By April 15th
Grant Application: Due June 1st
Notification of Decision: By mid-July
Distribution of Funds: By September 30th
Eligible Expenses:
We provide funding for a wide variety of expenses. (See list of ineligible expenses below.) Funding may be considered for an existing or new project/program/initiative that the organization is launching, which may have multiple steps/stages. We understand that sustainability is built over time in these cases. Requests for general operational expenses may also be considered. Operational funding refers to expenses associated with administering the program/project on a day-to-day basis.
Ineligible expenses:
Ongoing/annual contractor’s fees
Retroactive funding
Deficit financing
Debt retirement, reserves and mortgage pay-downs
Activities of a religious organization that primarily serves their membership and/or for direct religious purposes
Building construction or renovations
Capital campaigns
Annual fund drives
Improvements or additions to land or property which might revert to private ownership
Bursaries, scholarships, endowments
Financial education programs
Grant Amounts
The Johansen Larsen Foundation provides single year grants (up to $10,000) and multi-year grants (up to $7,500/year for 2 or 3 years).