2015 Grant Recipients
The JL Foundation is pleased to provide support once again for the Annual Summer Arts Program, which focuses on cultural and artistic development for children and youth in the Greater Toronto Area.
Arts Etobicoke, $10,000
The JL Foundation is pleased to continue its support for the Free Art Class Program, which provides weekly arts classes for marginalized children in the west Toronto region of Etobicoke.
Christie Refugee Welcome Centre, $3,000
The JL Foundation proudly supports the Christie Refugee Welcome Center After-School Literacy program for refugee children.
The JL Foundation is pleased to continue its support of the Thunder Bay Aboriginal Neighbourhood Arts Engagement Program, which provides accessible, intergenerational arts education for youth and the diverse organizations in Northern Ontario.
Community Veterinary Outreach, $10,000
The JL Foundation is pleased to continue its support of The Mission Veterinary Care program providing pro bono preventative veterinary care for animals of the homeless and street-involved in Ottawa and Toronto.
The JL Foundation is pleased to continue its support of Eva’s Education Program to enhance the employment/training programs and other life/work skills initiatives for the re-integration of homeless youth into academic settings.
Evergreen, $8,000
The JL Foundation supports the Seeding Healthy Communities program that provides over 200 children across the GTA with outdoor education, garden/food literacy and healthy snacks; as well as the Youth Community Food Leadership program to engage youth to become community leaders sharing their knowledge about food literacy to younger generations.
The JL Foundation supports the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital “Leading the Way” program to provide employment in the hospital for high school students who are experiencing barriers to employment.
iSisters Technology Mentoring, $8,500
The JL Foundation is pleased to continue its support for the iSisters Youville Centre iPad Program to augment the high school curriculum for young mothers to showcase how tablet technology can be used to help their studies.
The JL Foundation proudly supports Jessie’s On-Site High School Program to help pregnant teens and teen mothers to complete credits and graduate from high school.
Rainbow Songs Foundation, $5,000
The JL Foundation proudly supports the ‘Support a Shelter Project’ to provide high-quality musical programming to young children at-risk and their families at emergency housing shelters across the Greater Toronto Area.
Scarborough Arts, $5,000
The JL Foundation proudly supports the EAST Animating Democracy Project based on the vibrant arts-for-change model that encourages democratic dialogue through the arts around important community issues.
Scarborough Women's Centre, $10,000
The JL Foundation is pleased to continue its support of the Building Strong Futures - Young Women's Outreach Program to facilitate the empowerment of marginalized young women by providing workshops programs to enhance their decision making capacity, help them identify potential risky issues and social patterns, and create positive plans for success.
Sisters Achieving Excellence, $10,000
The JL Foundation is pleased to continue its support of the Transcendence Project, which provides literacy, leadership and employability programming to encourage young women in the context of incarceration to transcend the boundaries which criminality creates.
The JL Foundation is pleased to continue its support of the Skill Building Programs – Arts Incubators – to provide creative training initiatives for street-involved, homeless and at-risk youth.
The JL Foundation proudly supports the Send-a-Kid-to-Camp program to provide disadvantaged children with opportunities to go to summer camp to meet new friends, learn new skills, appreciate nature and create positive memories.
The JL Foundation proudly supports the LGBTQ Youth Engagement Through the Arts program to bring together LGBTQ youth in a safe social space for arts-based opportunities.
The JL Foundation proudly supports the Summer Focus: A Popular Education Broadcast Training Project, an innovate way to use media technology as a tool to engage young people in learning about social justice issues.
The Hammer Band, $10,000
The JL Foundation is pleased to continue its support for the From Violence to Violins program, which provides innovative music education for at-risk children and youth living in high-risk neighbourhoods in the Greater Toronto Area.
The Peer Project, $7,000
The JL Foundation proudly supports the Youth Mental Health Training Progam, which facilitates mentoring relationships between at-risk kids, aged 6-15, and fully trained youth mentors, aged 16-29.
The Stop Community Food Centre, $10,000
The JL Foundation is pleased to continue its support of the Sustainable Food Systems Education Program, which partners closely with schools to teach children about growing food, healthy eating, and increasing their knowledge of food systems issues in Greater Toronto Area.
Weengushk Film Institute, $10,000
The JL Foundation is pleased to support the Weengushk Film Institute’s Emerging Artist Program to provide access to media arts skills and training in northern Canada for marginalized youth, particularly Aboriginal and those of diversity.