2013 Grant Recipients
Total Disbursed: $118,000
Ian Esquivel, delivering cheque to members of Arts Etobicoke.
The JL Foundation supports the Storefront Arts program for marginalized children from the in North Etobicoke and Rexdale area.
Amount Funded: $10,000
The JL Foundation supports the Children’s and Youth’s Arts Program for marginalized children and youth in Regent Park, Toronto.
Amount Funded: $5,000
Canadian Federation of Humane Societies
The JL Foundation provides funding to support CFHS negotiations with animal industry leaders to update and strengthen the codes that define standards for the treatment of animals.
Amount Funded: $6,500
Community Arts and Heritage Education Project
The JL Foundation provides support for the Thunder Bay Aboriginal Arts Program, which introduces students to the Anishinabek culture. The program has been developed in consultation with elders, Aboriginal artists and heritage programmers and the Thunder Bay Aboriginal Arts & Heritage Group,
Amount Funded: $5,000
The JL Foundation provides support for the Mothers Who Care Parenting Program, which assists at-risk children and youth by providing counseling for mothers in conflict with the law.
Amount Funded: $1,500
The JL Foundation provides support for the Beat the Street Program, Frontier College’s award-winning Toronto program offering marginalized, street-involved youth who have not completed high school a way back in to the education system in Toronto.
Amount Funded: $5,000
Susan Larsen and Moshe Hammer.
The JL Foundation supports the Violence to Violins Program, which provides innovative music education for at-risk children and youth living in the Jane and Finch community of Toronto.
Amount funded: $10,000
The JL Foundation provides support for the Technology Mentoring for Young At-Risk Mothers program, which builds community capacity to support at risk, young parents in gaining digital literacy skills to in order to return to and succeed in high school and prepare for employment in Ottawa.
Amount Funded: $10,000
The JL Foundation supports the Canine Assisted Intervention (CAI) program, which integrates Service Dogs into treatment for children suffering from mental illness, abuse and trauma for children suffering from the effects of mental illness in Greater Toronto Area, Waterloo Region, and London.
Amount Funded: $10,000
The JL Foundation supports the Pathways program, which addresses systemic barriers to education by providing leadership, expertise and a community based program to lower dropout rates, to expend into some new sites such as Mashteuiatsch, a First Nations reserve in the Saquenay-Lac Saint-Jean region in Quebec.
Amount Funded: $10,000
The JL Foundation provides support to the Handbell Choir and Recorder Ensemble programs, which offer affordable music education to children ages 6 in Regent Park and other high priority areas in Toronto including Parkdale, Jane & Finch, and Lawrence Heights.
Amount Funded: $7,500
The JL Foundation supports the Sage Youth literacy program for homeless refugee children and youth in Ottawa.
Amount Funded: $10,000
The JL Foundation is supporting a new multi-session program that teaches young women at risk how to assert their independence and create their own success.
Amount Funded: $10,000
Sketch Working Arts for Street-involved and Homeless Youth
JL Foundation provides support for street involved and homeless people across the Greater Toronto Area to engage in the arts within a studio environment and in the community.
Amount Funded: $10,000
The Learning Disabilities Association of Peterborough
The JL Foundation supports the Computers for Learning Development Program, which is a one-to-one tutoring program targeting children with learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Amount Funded: $4,500
The JL Foundation supports the Schools Program which will serve as a legacy initiative of the 2014 Women's World Wheelchair Basketball Championships, hosted in Canada in June of 2014. The Schools Program is designed to educate teachers and students about the sport of wheelchair basketball and encourage youth, with or without a disability, to be physically active.
Amount Funded: $3,000