2019 Grant Recipients
Single Year Grantees
Camp Awakening, $4,500
Founded in 1982, Camp Awakening provides accessible, adapted and inclusive summer camp programs for youth with physical disabilities. In 2020, we will be running a Parasports program. This initiative will allow our campers to learn the rules and regulations of numerous parasports, understand the strategies and nature of the teamwork involved, and, most importantly, have fun and be active!
Kids on the Block provides puppet shows that educate youth audiences about disabilities, abilities and inclusion. Through engaging storytelling, the puppeteers help break down barriers to create an inclusive community where children with disabilities feel seen and included. Environments that promote understanding and acceptance prevent bullying and foster well-being so that all kids can thrive.
The "Send-A-Kid to Camp" Program provides summer camping opportunities for hundreds of children at risk each summer between the ages of 5 - 14. The program is designed to encompass the entire camping experience by covering all camp fees, assisting with transportation to and from camp, and providing basic necessities and sleeping bags for children who may need them.
Canadian Centre for Alternatives to Animal Methods (University of Windsor), $10,000
Through the “21st Century Dissection for the 21st Century Classroom” initiative of the Canadian Centre for Alternatives to Animal Methods located at the University of Windsor, we are promoting the replacement of century-old animal dissection with 21st century technologies that offer equivalent or superior educational merit—to advance teaching and learning while respecting and saving animal lives.
Culture for Kids in the Arts, Artasia, $10,000
The JLF supports Artasia: Glocal Digital ParkSpace, an arts education summer initiative for 600 participants in 21 locations in Hamilton, Ontario in partnership with 5 youth agencies. Youth from diverse low-income, marginalized, immigrant communities will gain access to technology to connect and share through a series of visual and digital media workshops culminating in "ParkSpace" an online interactive 3D virtual park at Supercrawl Festival and online portal.
Choices for Youth, Centralized Employment Support Program, $10,000
The Centralized Employment Support Program (CESP) acts as the hub for all pre-employment, employment readiness, on-the-job, and educational supports for young people at Choices for Youth. Responding to various needs and complexities, CESP offers direct support to youth in St. John’s, Newfoundland who are not yet ready for traditional employment.
Elephant Thoughts Educational Outreach, Collingwood Youth Centre Entrepreneurial Program, $9,900
JLF funding was used to create the Collingwood Youth Centre Entrepreneurial Program to train, teach and inspire a minimum of 60 young entrepreneurs. We require funding for program delivery including instructional materials and consumables. We will inspire innovation, teach concepts in business and finance education and teach youth how to write grants for financial sustainability.
Kids Now, $10,000
Kids Now is a free after-school leadership program for grade 7 & 8 students. Participants are self-selected and commit to 1.5 hours per week for 12 weeks and learn critical life skills with a trained and caring mentor in groups of ten. Our program provides kids with critical tools to make smart choices.
Project Canoe, Leadership Development Wilderness Program, $9,000
JLF Funding has provided support for 6 youth facing economic barriers to participate in the Leadership Development Program. This program consists of workshops and a 14-day canoe trip in which youth learn social and mentorship skills, in which they discover and develop their ability to mentor and train others in their community.
River City Squash, $5,000
The JLF supports the after-school program offered through River City Squash in Kamloops, B.C., which serves at-risk children and youth, using the sport of squash to engage youth, and adding academics and mentoring as the sessions continue. Most programming is after-school, as the after-school time is typically a time when many children and youth have less support and are most at risk.
Canadian Canoe Museum, $10,000
The Canadian Canoe Museum’s Education and Virtual Field Trip Program based in Peterborough, Ontario addresses the rising need for learning opportunities for Indigenous and non-Indigenous students that align with recommendations of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission and current Ontario curriculum documents. Our world-class collection of more than 600 paddled watercraft allows us to offer unique experiential and virtual field.
Riverwood Conservancy, $10,000
The Indigenous Spirit Journey brings youth-at-risk to Riverwood’s 150-acre urban oasis of woodlands, and gardens for a transformative 12-week program that interweaves Indigenous teachings and therapeutic experiences in nature. It is offered in partnership with the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board, University of Toronto Mississauga, and Peel Aboriginal Network.
Environmental Youth Alliance, Nature Stewards Program, $10,000
The Environmental Youth Alliance’s Nature Stewards Program will provide opportunities for marginalized youth to engage in experiential outdoor education in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Through hands-on learning, youth grow native plants, shrubs and trees to restore ideal habitat for birds and invertebrates in inner-city green spaces, whilst building skills, confidence and community.
Girls E-Mentorship, The GEM Program, $5,000
The Johansen Larsen Foundation funded the expansion of the Girls E-Mentorship. GEM is a registered charitable organization that offers a mentorship program to high school girls facing multiple barriers. Through one-on-one mentorship, professional development seminars, internships and scholarships we help girls reach their full potential and own their future.
Jessie's June Callwood Centre for Young Women, $10,000
The Peer-to-Peer Community Education Mentoring Program reaches over 4,600 middle and high school students across GTA annually. The program trains current and past Jessie’s participants to speak at schools, colleges and universities and media about risks of teen pregnancy and challenges marginalized teen moms face.
Lakeshore Arts Committee, Q Summit, $10,000
Q Summit is an after-school photography and spoken word program in Etobicoke, Ontario for LGBTQIA2+ identifying youth in delivered at the two main Humber College campuses. Taught by professional artists students are welcomed into a safe space to explore their identity and develop their self-expression - focusing on topics of social justice.
Ottawa Humane Society, Leadership Education for Adolescents and Dogs Program, $10,000
The Leadership Education for Adolescents and Dogs (LEAD) program is a specialized program that serves the needs of both challenging shelter dogs and at-risk youth residing in detention centres and mental health centres in Ottawa. Youth gain skills and experience in leadership, perseverance, positive motivation, animal welfare, and compassion by overcoming obstacles in training these shelter dogs.
Second Harvest, Harvest Kitchen Program, $8,325
The Harvest Kitchen program at Frontlines Toronto builds culinary knowledge, confidence, and employability for marginalized youth in Toronto’s Weston neighbourhood. Learners hone their skills under the guidance of a Chef Trainer and using fresh ingredients provided by Second Harvest. The food they prepare is shared with other social services agencies, helping address food insecurity.
Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, Violence Link Conference, $7,500
Violence against animals and violence against people are not separate and distinct problems. The Canadian Violence Link Conference (November 2019) highlighted the latest research & promising new practices to advance the criminal justice & social service responses to the violence link, bringing together leading experts in the areas of law, social services, enforcement, behavioural sciences & interpersonal violence.
York Region Rose of Sharon, Parenting and Personal Development Program, $10,000
The Parenting and Personal Development Program provides offers hope, support and education to vulnerable prenatal and parenting young women and their children in York Region. Unique programming empowers young mothers to embrace their strengths, build parenting skills and gain confidence. Young moms set goals and work toward building the future they envision for themselves and their child(ren).
Multi-Year Grantees
These seven organizations received their 1st year of multi-year funding in 2019.
Art City in St. James Town, Summer Camps, $10,000
Art City in St. James Town serves Toronto’s most densely populated neighbourhood, a diverse community that lacks accessible child-care options. Our Summer Camps Program engages local children in creative activities, and addresses different themes from STEAM projects to printmaking, fashion, and cartooning—providing marginalized children and youth with access to opportunities they may not have exposure to otherwise.
Evergreen, $10,000
The Visiting Schools Program encourages students to explore, play and learn about the nature. Through our subsidized fee structure and a focus on Indigenous inclusion, content and connections, the program is designed to remove barriers to access for marginalized communities. JFL funding enable Evergreen to continue providing subsidized programs for schools from low-income Toronto neighbourhoods.
FLAP’s Birds in Your Hood program teaches students to identify birds by sight and song, engages their hearts and minds about birds and why they are important, and educates them about potentially fatal hazards that birds face. It teaches kids what they can do to save and protect birds. Most importantly, the program encourages youth to find their own creative solutions to issues that threaten birds.
London Children's Museum, $9,975
The London Children’s Museum delivers education programs that provide students with authentic materials and real museum artifacts that they may not otherwise have access to. With funding from the JLF, we are able to provide 32 classrooms a year with an education program, including bussing, at no cost to students or teachers.
Ottawa Network for Education, ELL Volunteer Initiative, $5,750
To meet the needs for English language education of refugees to Canada, the ONFE created the English Language Learners (ELL) Volunteer initiative, which ensures that newcomers receive the support and training they require to develop their English language skills. This initiative empowers newcomer Canadians and gives them the tools to overcome language barriers, enhances confidence, sociability and expands their network in and outside of school hours.
Excellence in Literacy Foundation, Sage Youth Program, $10,000
Sage Youth offers a literacy and life-skills program that serves homeless children whose families are primarily refugee claimants, but also occasionally homeless refugees and immigrants. This program is delivered after school hours, onsite at Welcome House (a shelter).
Scarborough Women's Shelter, Building Strong Futures, $10,000
Building Strong Futures: Young Women’s Outreach Program is a unique resource to high priority Neighbourhood Improvement Areas of Scarborough. These interactive workshops cover topics such as Self Esteem, Healthy Relationships, Goal Setting and Life Planning; in addition to a multi-session Leadership Development program where participants gain skills on Active Listening, Conflict Resolution, Diversity & Allyship, Feminism; and a Young Women’s Mentorship Program where at-risk young women are mentored by young adult women.
These six organizations received their 2nd year of multi-year funding in 2019
Art Heart
Arts Etobicoke
Frontier College
Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre
Rainbow Songs Foundation
Regent Park School of Music
Regional HIV/AIDS Connection (Open Closet)
Youth Assisting Youth
Youth Without Shelter
For details about the specific programs we’ve funded, click here.
These seven organizations received their 3rd (and final) year of multi-year funding in 2019:
Christie Refugee Welcome Centre
Community Arts and Heritage Education Program (CAHEP)
Community Veterinary Outreach (CVO)
The Hammer Band
For details about the specific programs we’ve funded, click here.