2017 Grant Recipients
In 2017, we piloted a new funding model: multi-year funding. Seven organizations were successful with their funding applications. As a result of this successful pilot, we will be opening up multi-year funding for all applicants in 2018 in addition to single year funding.
Christie Refugee Welcome Centre
$3,000/year for 3 years for the After-School Music Program for Homeless Refugee Children, a pilot program that serves approximately 100 children and youth who live at the Christie Welcome Refugee Centre shelter each year. This new program complements CRWC’s other 2 after-school children’s programs – fitness and literacy, by building the children’s skill and confidence after the traumatic experience of being refugees and adjusting to a new country and its norms. The program will be offered twice weekly after-school for 1 – 2 hours/day.
Community Arts and Heritage Education Program (CAHEP)
$10,000/year for 3 years for the Inside Out Community Art Studio. With multi-year funding, CAHEP is able to explore what a long-term, sustainable community-engaged art studio can look like. Consistent free-of-cost arts programming are offered at the Inside Out Community Art Studio in Victoriaville Centre, an under-utilized mall in a low-income neighborhood. In addition to weekly drop-in Open Studio opportunities, through this funding, CAHEP is developing focused, responsive artist-run workshops.
Community Veterinary Outreach (CVO)
$10,000/year for 3 years to allow CVO to introduce and scale up pro bono veterinary care for pets of homeless and marginally housed youth and adults in Halifax. Building on a model that has achieved success in other Canadian cities, CVO will use animal care as an entry point for human health interventions (One Health approach) including influenza vaccinations, smoking cessation assistance, dental care, as well as referrals for mental health and addictions treatment, treatment of chronic health issues, housing support, education, and employment support.
$8,000/year for 3 years to fund “The Education Program” at Eva’s uniquely addresses the specific barriers that have traditionally prevented youth experiencing homelessness from connecting to educational opportunities. The program provides the intensive and tailored supports that youth experiencing homelessness need in order to access secondary school (or equivalent) and post-secondary education (college, university and/or specialized skills training). The program sets youth up for lifelong career success and the benefits that come with it such as the ability to participate fully in the economy and community, and the ability to find and maintain appropriate housing.
The Hammer Band
$10,000/year for 3 years to continue “From Violence to Violins” program which reaches children in at-risk neighborhoods in Toronto who may otherwise never have an opportunity to learn music or play an instrument. Students participate in free ensemble music lessons taught on violins which are lent to them for the year. These music lessons are conducted by world-class musicians and experienced teachers and are offered to children regardless of their background, financial situation or previous musical experience. This is an intensive program which teaches children both music AND life skills.
$10,000/year for 3 years to fund the design and development of new and innovative programs which provide marginalized women in our community with access to free digital literacy and technology training services. Our programs improve the skills, economic prospects and self-efficacy of young mothers, families and at-risk women by reducing social and economic disparity, alleviating poverty and lowering resource burden within the community. By the end of year three, we aim to have provided 300 young mothers and women in the Ottawa-Carleton area with free access to our learning and mentorship programs. Their new skills aim to enhance their employability and job-search skills and initiate long-term and high-impact positive change for them and their children. By offering women and young mothers digital literacy skills and mentoring in new communications technologies, free of charge in a familiar and safe environment, we will build their capacity for employment, leadership, self-esteem, and social inclusion within the community.
$10,000/year for 3 years to support the continuation of the “Skill Building Programs & Arts Incubators” that involved the participation of over 400 street-involved, homeless and marginalized youth. The rotating 10-week series engaged youth over the longer term to gain skills, learn about artistic processes and production in a safe and collaborative environment. The program ran year-round, 3 days per week involving rotating ten-week series in arts disciplines including: visual arts; crafts; screen printing; new media (and software applications); music and the recording arts; literary arts; dance, movement and theatre. Youth also created artworks and products that were exhibited and vended through public events at SKETCH and in other venues around the city. Through arts marketing workshops, they researched and developed strategies for promotion, curation, pricing and more. At the end of these workshop series many youths were encouraged to continue their endeavors in the program or explore SKETCH’s other engagement tiers that included leadership opportunities, youth microenterprises, mentorships and more. In addition, the program offered wrap-around support services including daily meals and connections/referrals to health and mental health supports, housing, social service and community networks. Participating youth also engaged in life-skills support programming that focused on self-care practices leading to awareness, resiliency, self-care strategies and coping mechanisms.