2018 Grant Recipients
Single Year Grantees
Big Brothers/Sisters Guelph
The JLF provided $10,000 in funding to BBSG for their Co-op In-School Mentoring program, which matches qualified and trained high school students completing a co-op placement with children each that they mentor. The high school students are mentored in providing guidance, support and encouragement through genuine connections with their mentees.
Choices for Youth
The JLF provided $10,000 in funding for the Choices for Youth Centralized Employment Support Program (CESP). The CESP is a hub for the employment and educational support needs of at-risk and homeless youth facing barriers such as mental health and addictions, lack of prior employment experience, or involvement in the criminal justice in St. John's, NL.
Christian Horizons
The JLF provided $3,000 in funding to support the Culinary Skill Development and Employment Program, established in partnership with Humber College and Christian Horizons. This program provides students with disabilities inclusive access to post-secondary education and the opportunity to graduate with peers their own age.
Delta Family Resource Centre
The JLF has contributed $10,000 in funding for the program, “ReelTalk: Humans of North Etobicoke", an initiative which provides learning opportunities for youth of North Etobicoke to learn, lead and influence. ReelTalk engages a team of local youth, help them become media makers who develop and share their diverse stories through art, education and technology.
Fatal Light Awareness (FLAP) Canada
JLF provided $5,000 in funding for the Birds in Your Hood program to new schools. FLAP’s program coordinator will give presentations to enthusiastic classes about birds in Toronto – how and when they migrate and what challenges they face. Students are encouraged to take the knowledge they gain to learn more about wildlife and create their own conservation-based projects.
Girls E-Mentoring
The JLF provided $5000 in funding to GEM for their mentorship program for high school girls facing barriers such as gender inequality, poverty/financial uncertainty, low confidence, racial discrimination, stress, and/or lack of support from guardians. Through one-on-one mentorship, professional development seminars, internships and scholarships GEM helps girls reach their potential.
Guelph Community Health Centre
The Guelph Youth Farm (GYF) is a social enterprise devoted to urban farming, leadership, and food literacy for marginalized youth in the Guelph community. With the help of the JLF’s funding of $7,700, the GYF has been able to provide a dynamic space for youth to learn to grow and sell fresh organic produce while building life and leadership skills and community capacity.
Habitat for Humanity (Wellington, Dufferin, Guelph)
Habitat WDG received $4,000 in finding from the JLF to fund two build-day experiences for one Grade 11 Construction Technology class from the Wellington Catholic District School Board. This opportunity benefits students who have limited access to actual build sites, but have expressed an interest in a career in construction.
Harmony Education Foundation
The JLF has provided $10,000 in finding for the Youth LEAD project, which educates and empowers marginalized youth in the Durham Region to combat racism, discrimination and social injustices in order to overcome barriers they face in their daily lives. Click here you can see photos and videos of the 2018 Harmony Education Awards:
Jessie’s The June Callwood Centre for Young Women
The JLF has contributed $10,000 in funding to Jessie’s Peer-to-Peer Community Education Mentoring Program, which reaches over 4,500 students across the GTA annually. The program trains current and past Jessie’s participants to speak at middle and high schools, colleges and universities and with the media about the risks of teen pregnancy and the challenges teen mothers face.
London Children’s Museum
The JLF provides funding for the London Children’s Museum’s (CM) On-Site Education Programs. The CM hosts students from priority schools at the Children’s Museum for a day of exploration and discovery. Delivered by a CM Education Specialist, these programs bring the Ontario Curriculum to life through the use of real museum artifacts, interactive programming and outdoor exploration.
Nanny Angel Network
The JLF provided $10,000 in funding for the Nanny Angel Program for Children, a free program for children ages 16 and under whose moms have cancer or are in palliative care. Using highly trained volunteer Nanny Angels – teachers, nurses or social workers – the program explains and answers children’s questions about moms’ cancer and builds resiliency.
Ottawa Network for Education
The JLF has provided $5,000 in funding to support the English Language Learners Volunteer Initiative. This is a program that provides specialized training to volunteers to ensure they are equipped to support the diverse and complex needs of newcomer, refugee students, especially those lacking age-appropriate literacy skills, attending Ottawa schools.
Roseneath Theatre
Roseneath Theatre is devoted to investigating social justice and equity themes through theatre. The JLF has provided $9,000 in funding to support 5-10 performances/week in Ontario under-served rural communities. This year’s plays explore creating safe spaces to discuss topics based on gender identity, sexual orientation, and negotiating change through communication.
Scientists in Schools
The JLF contributed $10,000 in funding for the Adopt-a-School program, which provided 1,400 hands-on science, technology, engineering and math enrichment workshops to 37,800 elementary school students and 1,400 teachers in the 2018-19 school year. The JLF adopted two schools in marginalized Toronto neighbourhoods, providing 40 complimentary workshops.
The JLF provided $6,000 in funding to Sheatre for their Far From the Heart/Loin du Coeur, an award-winning, dating violence prevention theatre project that engages and educates youth on sensitive subjects of dating violence and sexual assault against young women and girls, consent, and safe relationships using interactive theatre, peer interaction, and community expertise.
Multi-Year Grantees
We provided the first year of multi-year funding to the following organizations:
Art Heart
The JLF provided $10,000 to Art Heart’s Children’s and Youths’ Arts Program, which provides arts workshops for Regent Park children & youth with limited opportunities to make and learn about art. These free workshops are provided after-school and in the summer with art instruction, field trips, nutritious snacks, art exhibit opportunities & art materials.
Arts Etobicoke
Through our $10,000 grant, the JLF has continued its support of the Arts Etobicoke After-School Drop-In programs and Saturday Storefront Art Classes for youth. These programs incorporate multiple artistic disciplines including visual arts, movement and dance, music and theatre/drama and are facilitated by trained, professional and diverse artists.
Frontier College
The JLF has provided $10,000 funding to the Beat the Street (BTS) program, which offers marginalized youth who have not completed high school a way back into the education system. BTS offers a supportive environment that enables participants who face barriers in their lives including low self-esteem and negative associations with school to become self-directed, life-long learners.
Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre
The OTCC engages youth in the stewardship of Ontario's at-risk native turtle species and their wetland habitats. The JLF has provided $10,00 to support their program of in-depth, hands-on training workshops, educational resources, and on-line support. Participants are provided with stewardship practices to remedy the situation, links to citizen scientist projects, and resource materials.
Rainbow Songs Foundation
Rainbow Songs Foundation provides high-quality, interactive music programs free of cost to families with young children using shelter services in the Greater Toronto Area. JLF supports Rainbow Songs’ Sponsor-A-Shelter program. Through our $6,000 grant, we sponsored three school year’s worth of weekly music classes (approx. 35 classes) at one of the partner shelters.
Regent Park School of Music
The JLF has provided $10,000 in funding for the The Music for First Nations Children and Youth to Help Them Thrive program. This program provides 160+ children in the First Nations School of Toronto from Grades 1 to 10 the chance of a music education to help them develop skills and traits to find the joy in music, do well in school and raise their sights and aspirations to realize their potential and break the cycle of poverty in their communities.
Regional HIV/AIDS Connection
JLF financially supports Open Closet, a social support group for youth aged 14-18 who identify as LGBTQ2+ as well as those who are questioning their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. The program provides youth with an inclusive and affirming space to connect with other youth, access resources to enhance life skills, build knowledge, develop social supports and foster well-being.
Youth Assisting Youth
The JLF has provided $10,000 in funding to support the Youth Mental Health & Learning Disabilities Training Program educates and empower youth volunteers with the knowledge, skills and resources to effectively support and mentor a youth mentee who is coping with a mental health diagnosis or learning disability.
Youth without Shelter
The Educational Outreach Program provides interactive workshops about youth homelessness for students of all ages throughout GTA. The JLF funding of $5000 for 3 years will help to grow the program through a mentorship/integration of youth with lived experience committee; development of a video story of program impact, and operational tool kit to share with youth serving agencies.
These six organizations received their 2nd year of multi-year funding in 2018.
Christie Refugee Welcome Centre
Community Arts and Heritage Education Program (CAHEP)
Community Veterinary Outreach (CVO)
The Hammer Band
For details about the specific programs we’ve funded, click here.