2016 Grant Recipients

Total disbursed: $267,333

Art City, $10,000

New Canadian Landscapes Program in which participants from the St. James Town neighbourhood of Toronto engaged with themes of national identity, self-discovery, home, and community.


Christie Refugee Welcome Centre

After-school Literacy Program for Refugee Children to enhance their verbal, phonetic and comprehension skills, and give them the confidence to write as well as they speak.
Amount Founded: $3,000


Arts Etobicoke

Free Art Class Program, which provides weekly arts class education for marginalized children in Greater Toronto area.
Amount Funded: $10,000


Canadian Mental Health Association, Windsor-Essex County Branch

Mood Walks for Youth in Transition program that builds capacity among community organizations to support youth who are at risk of, or are experiencing mental health issues. Pilot Project Connects Nature Walks with Decreased Depression and Anxiety
Amount Funded: $1,000


Community Arts & Heritage Education Project

Art to the Streets program, which brings responsive, inclusive arts education programming to underserved areas of Thunder Bay.
Amount Founded: $8,000


Eva's Initiative for Homeless Youth

The Education Program at Eva’s, which assists homeless and at-risk youth to access educational opportunities they will need for long-term success in life.
Amount Funded: $7,000

Evergreen’s Seeding Healthy Communities for Children and Youth

A hands-on program that takes a garden-to-table approach to building resilient communities. 
Amount Funded: $8,000

Fatal Light Awareness Program Canada

Bird Protection Education for Youth program that engages young people in making their schools safe for birds.
Amount Funded: $8,000

Friends of Humane Society International for the Protection and Conservation of Animals 

Meatless Mondays Program which involves educating students in ways to improve their health, knowledge of food’s impact on the environment, and the need to protect farm animals.
Amount Funded: $6,000

friends of human meatless.jpg

iSisters Technology Mentoring

JL Foundation continues to support the Youville iPad Program, which aims to empower young mothers by learning digital literacy skills including developing proficiency with the Internet, online communities and social networks, email, Word, and Excel. 

Amount Funded: $10,000 

Northern Youth Abroad

A program that cultivates youth leadership, individual career goals, cross-cultural awareness and international citizenship amongst Aboriginal youth aged 15-22 living in Nunavut and the NWT. 

Amount Funded: $10,000

Rainbow Songs Foundation


Sponsor-a-Shelter Program, which provides high quality musical programming to at-risk young children and their families at housing shelters across the GTA. 

Amount Funded: $5,650

Regional HIV/AIDS Connection

Open Closet Program, which aims to empower LGBTQ2+ Youth through safer spaces, connectivity, education, and personal and professional development.

Amount Funded: $7,650

Scarborough Arts,The EAST Program

Animating Democracy Project, which is based on the vibrant arts-for-change model that encourages democratic dialogue through the arts around important contemporary community issues that support democracy, civic engagement and advocate for economic parity.
Amount Funded: $8,000

Scarborough Women's Centre

Building Strong Futures-Young Women's Outreach Program, which works with and empowers marginalized Young Women by providing workshops to enhance their decision making capacity, help them identify potential risky issues and social patterns, and assist them to create positive plans for success and community leadership.
Amount Funded: $10,000

Sheatre Educational Alternative Theatre (Huron)

The Be Our Ally program, a multi-arts prevention initiative that fosters diversity and respect for difference in youth in Grades 5 -12.
Amount Funded: $10,000

Sketch Working Arts for Street-Involved and Homeless Youth

Skill Building Programs - Arts Incubators, which provides visual arts, crafts, textiles, screen printing, new media, music and the recording arts, dance, movement and theatre opportunities for street-involved and homeless youth.
Amount Funded: $10,000

Smith Falls and District Centre for Youth

safeTALK 4 YOUth program providing Suicide Alertness training (also known as safeTALK training) to approximately 720 students throughout the 2016-2017 year in the Eastern Ontario Region.
Amount Funded: $8,000

519 Church Street Community Centre

LGBTQ Youth Engagement through the Arts program to meet the needs of LGBTQ families and parents of LGBTQ youth and gender independent children.
Amount Funded: $10,000

The Peer Project- Youth Assisting Youth

Youth Mental Health Training Program designed to address the mental health issues of the children and youth across Toronto.
Amount Funded: $7,000

Visions of Science Network for Learning

Community Science Club program, which aims to provide meaningful STEM education opportunities to over 300 children/youth from 15 different low-income communities in the GTA and Peel Region.
Amount Funded: $10,000

Looking to apply?

First, ensure you meet our granting criteria and align with our focus areas.